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UK customs updates March 2024

HM Government announced date and other changes around supplementary declarations; DDA payments - an extra calendar day to submit duty deferment payments; CDS implementation extension - exports to move to CDS until 4 June 2024; trade with Northern Ireland - a requirement to have a valid UK Internal Market Scheme authorisation to keep using the NIREM code; important updates on EORI and VAT registrations.

Mark Rowbotham

UK customs updates March 2024

HM Government announced date and other changes around supplementary declarations; DDA payments - an extra calendar day to submit duty deferment payments; CDS implementation extension - exports to move to CDS until 4 June 2024; trade with Northern Ireland - a requirement to have a valid UK Internal Market Scheme authorisation to keep using the NIREM code; important updates on EORI and VAT registrations.

Mark Rowbotham

Simplifications of transit procedure

Customs Knowledge Institute

‎ €39.99
Simplifications of transit procedure in the EU and Common transit countries

Customs Knowledge Institute

‎ €39.99
Customs registrations and authorisations
01h 07min

Anthony Buckley

‎ €99.89
customs clearance
Customs registrations and authorisations
01h 07min

Anthony Buckley

‎ €99.89
customs clearance
en, lt
EORI number in UK: GB and XI

Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number is a unique identification number assigned by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to an economic operator or to another person in order to track and register customs information in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK).

customs clearance
en, lt
EORI number in UK: GB and XI

Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number is a unique identification number assigned by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to an economic operator or to another person in order to track and register customs information in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK).

customs clearance
en, lt, ru
Номер EORI для Европейского Союза

Регистрационный и идентификационный номер экономического оператора (EORI) – это уникальный идентификатор, присвоенный таможенным органом экономическому оператору или другому лицу1 для отслеживания и регистрации таможенной информации в ЕС.

customs clearance
en, lt, ru
Номер EORI для Европейского Союза

Регистрационный и идентификационный номер экономического оператора (EORI) – это уникальный идентификатор, присвоенный таможенным органом экономическому оператору или другому лицу1 для отслеживания и регистрации таможенной информации в ЕС.

customs clearance
en, lt
Laikinasis įvežimas perdirbti: ar žinote, kad…?

Pratęsiant laikinojo įvežimo perdirbti temą, pradėtą rugpjūtį straipsnyje „Perdirbimo procedūros: ekonominių sąlygų tikrinimas“, norėčiau atkreipti dėmesį į keletą kartu su naujuoju Sąjungos muitinės kodeksu atsiradusių pasikeitimų ir, galbūt, rečiau ekonominės veiklos vykdytojų taikomų galimybių: išleidimą į laisvą apyvartą mažesniu muito tarifu (taikomu pagamintam produktui), Sąjungos prekių naudojimą (ekvivalentiškos prekės), prekių gabenimą be muitinės formalumų (perkėlimą), apibendrinimą.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

en, lt
Laikinasis įvežimas perdirbti: ar žinote, kad…?

Pratęsiant laikinojo įvežimo perdirbti temą, pradėtą rugpjūtį straipsnyje „Perdirbimo procedūros: ekonominių sąlygų tikrinimas“, norėčiau atkreipti dėmesį į keletą kartu su naujuoju Sąjungos muitinės kodeksu atsiradusių pasikeitimų ir, galbūt, rečiau ekonominės veiklos vykdytojų taikomų galimybių: išleidimą į laisvą apyvartą mažesniu muito tarifu (taikomu pagamintam produktui), Sąjungos prekių naudojimą (ekvivalentiškos prekės), prekių gabenimą be muitinės formalumų (perkėlimą), apibendrinimą.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

de, en
AEO-company-specific monitoring from a customs risk perspective

In the article, we take a look at the role of monitoring of existing customs authorizations in a company, the areas and standards to be checked, and monitoring structure. We also draw your attention to one of the possible outcomes of monitoring: the application for an AEO-C or AEO-S suspension. A company case is provided as an example; and the AEO-Security control sheet as a practical tool for monitoring.

Patric Groos

risk management, trusted trader
de, en
AEO-company-specific monitoring from a customs risk perspective

In the article, we take a look at the role of monitoring of existing customs authorizations in a company, the areas and standards to be checked, and monitoring structure. We also draw your attention to one of the possible outcomes of monitoring: the application for an AEO-C or AEO-S suspension. A company case is provided as an example; and the AEO-Security control sheet as a practical tool for monitoring.

Patric Groos

risk management, trusted trader
en, lt
Processing procedures: examination of economic conditions

This article is relevant for those who intend to use inward processing or outward processing customs procedures or already apply them and would like to modify their application. There are many rules and features of the procedures. Some are perhaps better known and applied, others less frequently. This time, the article will review one of the conditions for granting customs authorization for processing operations - examination of the economic conditions. This is especially relevant when it is planned not to re-export the processed product, but to release it for free circulation in the EU.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

en, lt
Processing procedures: examination of economic conditions

This article is relevant for those who intend to use inward processing or outward processing customs procedures or already apply them and would like to modify their application. There are many rules and features of the procedures. Some are perhaps better known and applied, others less frequently. This time, the article will review one of the conditions for granting customs authorization for processing operations - examination of the economic conditions. This is especially relevant when it is planned not to re-export the processed product, but to release it for free circulation in the EU.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

en, lt
Verification of approved exporter's and other registrations in the EU

Reader's question: „Is there a database in the EU where we could verify the approved exporter's number, whether it is valid? If not, what would you advise how to verify it?“. We answer the question and also point out the liability of the importer and of the customs broker, and provide an overview of EU databases for verification of some other customs-related registration numbers.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases, origin
en, lt
Verification of approved exporter's and other registrations in the EU

Reader's question: „Is there a database in the EU where we could verify the approved exporter's number, whether it is valid? If not, what would you advise how to verify it?“. We answer the question and also point out the liability of the importer and of the customs broker, and provide an overview of EU databases for verification of some other customs-related registration numbers.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases, origin
Importer Exporter Code (IEC) in India

This text was inspired by the article “What you need to know about the EORI number and national differences in EU countries?” by Jovita Dobrovalskienė in the 2-nd issue of the CCRM journal. In India, there is the Importer Exporter Code (IEC) used for similar purposes as the EORI code in the EU. Its use is even more extensive – there are various export promotion schemes and other situations where the use of the IEC is mandatory.

Paresh Solanki

customs clearance
Importer Exporter Code (IEC) in India

This text was inspired by the article “What you need to know about the EORI number and national differences in EU countries?” by Jovita Dobrovalskienė in the 2-nd issue of the CCRM journal. In India, there is the Importer Exporter Code (IEC) used for similar purposes as the EORI code in the EU. Its use is even more extensive – there are various export promotion schemes and other situations where the use of the IEC is mandatory.

Paresh Solanki

customs clearance
en, lt
What you need to know about the EORI number and national differences in EU countries

Although the business form, such as the relocation of production to another country under an outsourcing agreement is already considered as a fairly common form of business, third-country companies still face challenges in supplying raw materials to their processing sites. One of them is obtaining an EORI number when a company does not actually operate in the EU Member States but sees an economic benefit in importing raw materials into the EU on its own behalf.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

customs clearance
en, lt
What you need to know about the EORI number and national differences in EU countries

Although the business form, such as the relocation of production to another country under an outsourcing agreement is already considered as a fairly common form of business, third-country companies still face challenges in supplying raw materials to their processing sites. One of them is obtaining an EORI number when a company does not actually operate in the EU Member States but sees an economic benefit in importing raw materials into the EU on its own behalf.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

customs clearance
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